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The effect of air shower room on food purification project

Publisher: SOC (Jiangsu) Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd. | Hits: 315 | Published on: 2022-8-22 9:24:38 | Close

   The reason why the air shower room can remove dust from all parts of the people entering and leaving is because there is a two-stage filter circulation system inside the air shower room. The purification project of the food factory is the necessary hardware equipment of the food factory. After the air inhaled by the air shower system is filtered by the primary and high filters, it is blown out by the air shower nozzle. After being compressed by the air shower nozzle, the blown air speed reaches 25M/ S.
   According to many tests organized by the International Alliance of Air Shower Equipment Manufacturing, dust larger than 0.3 microns can be taken away 99.999% at this wind speed, so the international standard for air shower wind speed should not be lower than 25M/S.
    GMP, QS and other dust-free workshops need to be equipped with a sterilization system. With the improvement of technology and product requirements, the air showers used in multi-industry dust-free workshops need to be equipped with ozone or germicidal lamps as a sterilization system to remove the air. Bacteria hidden in the shower system, so as not to contaminate the clean room.
Food factory purification projects need to focus on three aspects of food hygiene and safety:
1. Control the operating specifications of production personnel.
2. Control the environmental pollution around the food workshop (establish the operating space of the clean workshop).
3. Put an end to the quality problems of raw materials in the procurement process.
The air shower room occupies an important position in the clean room. It adopts the internal ring air exchange method, sprays on one side or multiple sides, and sprays clean air from the rotatable nozzle to effectively remove the dust on the personnel.
There are three general spray methods in the air shower:
Single blowing type: The air shower room is only equipped with nozzles on one side, and it is sprayed horizontally. It is suitable for production factories with less demanding requirements, such as: bucket water production workshops, food packaging production lines, beverage processing production lines, etc.
Double blowing type: There are nozzles on the left and right sides, suitable for the food processing industry, such as: small-scale workshops for making cakes and dried fruits.
Three-blow type: Nozzles are installed on the left and right sides and the top side, and the three sides are sprayed at the same time to achieve a high effect. It is suitable for export production and processing enterprises and other high-demand industries.

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